End Feed Half Wave antenna for SOTA

As SOTA is becomming more and more an issue for me and I would like to act not only as hunter, but also as activator, I decided to build myself a multiband EFHW antenna. My choice fell to the EFHW antenna as built by HB9EAJ.

Here are some pitures of building the antenna.

The coupler and coil are still “open” and will remain open until testing is done.
Testing is still open. The test will be done as soon as i find some time for.

2m GP Antenna, the 2nd

So, I finished my second 2m GP Antenna.

This time I used a Aluminium rod of 6mm diameter.

Here is the result:

Only thing I have to do is to mount it properly. This will be done as soon as I have made my litle antenna mount that should be mounted od the side of the roof.

In the meantime, to test the antenna I, again, “mounted” it on the telescopic broomstick, just like the fist one, built using copper cable.

I think I will have to get (or build) an antenna analyser, as I realy am interessted on building my antennas by myself.

2m GP Antenna

I have built my first Antenna!!
It is a simle 2m GP Antenna built from some copper cable that I found on my attic.

It was bilt by simply soldering stripped cable on SO259 connector and mounted on telescopic broomstick to test it.

First QSO’s have brought some good reports.

As this experiment was succesful, the next step is building a GP Antenna from Alu rods.