October 2022

So, after some time wihouth new posts on the home page here is a litle update and report of my October.

I have made total of 473 QSO’s, 16 SSB and 457 Digital QSO’s.
16 SSB and 10 FT8 Contact have been made as 9A/OE9IHR/QRP. All SSB contacts were made in CQ WW DX Contest.

All continets were worked: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, South America and Oceania. Also three (3) new DXCC entities were worked: India (VU), Benin (TY) and Dominica (J7).

Contacts made as OE9IHR

Here ist some statistics for OE9IHR:

BandPhoneDigitalTotal QSO

Best DX was VK7AC (QE38mm) with 16608 km on 30 meter band using FT8.

Contacs made as 9A/OE9IHR/QRP

From 29.10 until 31.10. I have, again, worked as 9A/OE9IHR/QRP from JN86ek and worked the CQ WW DX SSB Contest. On 31.10.2022 I was active on FT8.
Here the statistics for that time:

BandPhoneDigitalTotal QSO

Best DX was K3LR (EN91se) with 7279 km made on 10 meter band using SSB.

Equipment used as 9A/OE9IHR/QRP was, as always, Yaesu FT-818, LDG Z817 tuner, Yaesu SCU-17, 12V 5A power supply and home made wire multiband vertical antenna on 10m fibreglass telescopic mast.

Software downloads

As of right now I will be publishing my Software for free download and use.

I am writing this software mainly for my pesonal use, but have decided that I would like to make it available for everyone who would like to use it.
First software released to public is “OE9IHR eQSL downloader”, that you can use to download QSL cards from eQSL.cc.

You can find all the software on my Download page.
There is also a support page and discussion forum.

Weather station again On Line

Since June 2022 my weather station is on line and uploading again.

After moving to out house in February 2015 I didn’t upload weather data until 01.06.2022.
Before moving to our house I was using an old Dell notebook, running Windows 7 and WSWin32 to download data from my TFA Nexus weather station and upload it toInternet.

Since June 2022 I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 to download the data. Onec downloaded the data is than processed und uploaded using WeeWX.

You can find the uploaded data here.