About me
My name is Ozren, born in 1977 in small town Cakovec, Croatia, married, father of two sons and work as a software engineer.
I was “infected” with a “radio virus” as a teenager, in early 1990’s when I started with CB. At that time I was active as CB OGI or 328ON107.
I have startetd with Stalker V, home made 5A Power supply and vertical 5/8 antenna for 11m. After my Stalket broke I was using President Grant and RCI2950 on CB freqencies.
Then, in 1995 I took the HAM exam and was licensed as 9A7IHR and for some years I was active on 2m band and CB.
On 2m band I was using Handhelds from Yaesu (FT-411) and Alinco (DJ-F1).
After moving to Austria I was not active until the end of 2019 when I have managed to transfered my license to Austria and got my current callsign OE9IHR.
Since then you can find me on HF bands (10 – 80 meter), using SSB or digital modes (FT8, FT4).
You can also find me on DMR (monitoring TG 232, 2329, 219, DMR ID: 2329115) and on 2m (on Repeater OE9XVI, or our “home” frequency 145,275) and 70cm band (repeater OE9XVV).
I’m aso interseted in SOTA, APRS, QRP, antenna building.
My other hobbies are geocaching, waymarking, hiking, cycling and swimming.
I hope you will enjoy my home page and that we will meet on the air.
Vy 73 de OE9IHR, Ozren